Friday, August 21, 2020

Long Fajin, Short Fajin

Internal Discipline consists of "upper body turn", "half-body turn", "quarter body move" and more once you get into combining those. All are subject to moving along x,y, and z-axis in the body. The ability to move internally, much less to deliver internal power called "fajin" is subject to our ability or non-ability in all of those. Therefore, let's not continue to conflate "fajin" only with "one-inch punch" from a "quarter body movement" A "quarter body move" as concerns time consumption is of very short duration. As you see in the photo it shows a "long duration" of force had to be applied by Master Hwa to Tom Kostusiak. How do we do either "long", "short" or both? If there is a "secret" to success it is to be found by us in our discernment or non-discernment of small differences in the sensation that we feel. This ultimately is at our subsequent ability or inability to both note and choose options and movement efficiency. In a workshop, my teacher said "...the amount of fajin you can deliver is proportional to how compact you can make the delivery..." My insight from this shines a light on an established principle that the smallest difference in sensation we can discern is directly proportional to the magnitude of the larger sensation. If for instance one sloppily moves their hips while "upper body turning" then there should be immediate notice of the "magnitude" of the extraneous hip movement and then elicits a stabilization of hips. The "larger sensation" for all of us is the much larger section of the body that is away from the much smaller area that we wish to move.

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