Friday, May 6, 2022

Seeing Truth is a gift

 Seeing Truth is a gift

JR said: See the comments for this video on Youtube: As you say, it is indeed a gift to see the truth; thank you, Master Hwa. Other than consistently saying versions of " teacher doesn't do it that way...", what do the naysayers have to offer in a rationale? Before this, I did nothing but rounded Square Forms from 1976 to 2003. Those were truly

" ...executed to its fullest extent and precision, while consecutive moves are executed smoothly, without any abrupt start-stops or interruptions...". The attention from teachers to such detail of correctness, aka wishful thinking "...fullest extent and precision...", was lacking. The more "robotic" with Square Form, the better because those robotic-looking movements are "stops" where the practitioner can check and correct. In some classes, particularly some large classes, there will be no "check and corrects" coming from the teacher, which is what Master Hwa refers to as "sloppy postures"

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