Friday, December 24, 2021

How to connect arm to core


Questions and observations of 2 students:
These are the courtesy of Master Stephen Hwa at the Classical Tai Chi, a streamlined course.
Helen A,
When I try to move my arms from my back muscles, as you recommend, I feel the muscle movement in my stomach area (core muscle?). Does this mean that I am doing the action correctly?
Master Stephen Hwa: You got it!! This exercise aims to connect arm movement to the back and the abdomen muscles so that eventually, you can use the energy of these muscles to power the arm movement.
Steve S.
Sir, what should you feel in the abdomen? As you push forwards, do you pull the core to the right? Or should it feel like your pulling the abdomen backward and to the right? Many thanks. Respect
Master Stephen Hwa: The important thing is to connect your arm to the core. Once you are connected, the forward push movement of your arm will teach how the abdomen should react. Once you are good at that, you can reverse the procedure by moving the core to move the arm forward. There is no simple way to explain how the muscle in the abdomen should move..

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