Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Can you "stick" around?

Push, stick and yield

Jim, Greetings! I am curious why i see no videos of pushing being practiced as it only seems to be discussed by Master Hwa.
Hi, In a sense you are correct but actually there are quite a few. I have taken this statement out of its original context but in case you have not seen any videos, here (Push, stick and yield) is a video link to a snippet of one. You know as a teacher I find some students take to it and for some it is a psychological and physical conundrum. In another sense it is a metaphor for human interaction. As a metaphor there is "sticking" in push hands and in life. Can you "stick" to listening to me talk till I finish, "stick" around long enough to learn the form before push hands, till there is "change" and not "resistance"??? "Change" in push hands, they push, you yield, you push, etc. "Change", the central question of humanity, it comes too fast, it comes too slow. Something Master Hwa taught me is the importance of first learning to push and yield "cooperatively". You can experience this even with no partner by following these moves and "push" to the angles, angle down, up, L, R. You use "quarter body" internal movement and follow it with an external "stretch"of either arm.

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