Sunday, December 12, 2021

Caveat Emptor re. Push Hands

Caveat of Push Hands  a video link

From a stranger who visited Master Hwa's Facebook page, "liked" it but then reacted with suspicion when I made a "friend request". He thought someone had "hacked" me as to why I had sent it. I explained I was Master Hwa's student.
In brief he said: "Hi Jim, sorry for any misunderstanding. Does Classical Tai Chi do Push Hands?"
If I could gain contact with him once again I would say "YES". I would add that the subject of Push Hands has a caveat emptor similar to buying a house for instance...responsibility for quality lies with the "buyer". I would then would add that the myriad of written material, video, Youtube, Teachable, and book mention it dozens of times. I would add that Tolstoy said it very well. But in a "nutshell" I say it is when he wrote about people who "don't know that they don't know". How can anyone who has not learned the Classical Tai Chi Forms ask that question? Because of the wealth of material on this caveat I would refer him to "Fajin, Part 1". I would say: Stand perpendicular at a perfect right angle to the floor, feet perfectly parallel and push the wall many times with your fist just as Master Hwa demonstrates. If you can honestly say you are not pushed backwards, losing your footing each and every time, then you can understand the "YES" answer I gave.

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