Friday, June 4, 2021

Achieving Health and Well-Being through Classical Tai Chi training

Achieving Health and Well-being through Classical Tai Chi training 

Fabienne asked at the Youtube video site: "Thank you. So you recommend to have a live teacher. Or is ist possible to lesen this online?"

Jim Roach replied: "Master Hwa’s course at has many students and their commentary states that they are learning this well online. I have been his student since 2003 and that is me in the photo that accompanies this comment. The “Teachable” course is indicative of how video learning has become streamlined and comprehensive. I have gone from VHS, DVD to using his online course even after 18 years now. I only ever saw him personally a few times and had to travel from Buffalo to Rochester or he traveled to Buffalo…all my learning was video. Video learning really appeals to me because I can watch it over and over and over…I know of no teacher that would repeat a move a dozen times in a row, till you get it right."

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