Sunday, June 27, 2021

Steel wrapped in Cotton?

 Video: Steel wrapped in cotton

Sound is muffled, please read the following as well: Note the crinkling of Master Hwa's shirt, indicative of core strength and internal movement of muscles. Have you ever videotaped yourself doing the Form from the back, viewing your entire back as you moved? Ever heard the expression “outside cotton, inside steel? If you have a hard time learning “internal movement” from the core, did you ever think how much the pulling of the body by the legs has to do with the movement of both side to side and UP and DOWN in the upper body? We explain here how you can see this in action. One of the fundamental aspects of Tai Chi is the image of a needle wrapped in cotton. The movement is soft and easy like a ball of cotton but with hard steel on the inside. In the west, we would call the needle “core strength.” The "arm swing up move" of cloud hands shown in this brief video is an upper quarter body movement tightly coupled with the core. This move together with the heel pulls the body back move creates intense internal movements and energy flow up and down that side of the body, which is more easily visible from the back These intensive movements center around the spine, strengthening the muscle and connective tissue and blood flow around the spine. It is a very beneficial move for the spine. When Master Hwa demonstrates this sequence, everyone is surprised at the contrast between the front view, very relaxed and seemingly effortless, and the back view, intense muscle undulating motion in the torso. When Master Hwa along with the classes from Buffalo and Rochester NY demonstrated it at World Tai Chi Day he pointed out the contrasts to a large crowd of onlookers. What he also pointed out was how even the softest of “arm swinging up” movement could show the up and down flux of paraspinal muscles. He made the point in explanation that even relatively novice students were able to generate this internal movement. Ironically, this also came as a surprise to many students in the group. They did not seem to realize how well they were progressing...after all, how many of us actually watch our backs as we do Classical Tai Chi? Tai Chi is sometimes described as "outside cotton, inside steel". This is a good example of it.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Liked on YouTube: True Fajin is like a whip

True Fajin is like a whip
When watching the mechanism of Master Hwa's punch unfold and deliver power one sees a representation of how a whip unfolds and delivers power. When striking an opponent using Fajin Newton's 3rd law of action and reaction is in effect but a reaction cannot come back... because, like the whips "softness" after the strike, so is your Fajin arm/body The rebounding force dissipates at the opponent's body and does not come back because of limpness in the arm after the strike.
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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Achieving Health and Well-being through Classical Tai Chi training

Video: Achieving Health and Well-being through Classical Tai Chi training

As I point out below, it is good for mind and body, good for the brain and good for pain...and in the same breath, and with tongue in cheek: It is telling me the Pharmaceutical Industry "does not know that they don't know" about this? And someone, please tell Tiger Woods...Ouch!

From Psychology Today: "New research sheds light on how tai chi improves muscle and brain health. New research published in the Journal of Neuroimaging suggests that tai chi could improve brain health and speed up muscle recovery. ... A form of mind-body exercise, Tai Chi improves balance, strength, and flexibility and reduces stress and anxiety.
P. 18, Uncovering the Treasure, Stephen Hwa "Many movements are beneficial to the health of the spine. As a result, beginning practitioners often cite reduced or eliminated lower back pain and weakness as the first benefits of practicing Classical Tai Chi.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Turn at the hips v. turn at waist

Video yin/yang junction ends up at knees 

"...Power is drained off, power is drained off, power is drained offfffff....." Turning from the hips where the yin/yang junction is at the knees is much like someone having to draw their fist back to punch again after they punch and it repeats. It's like having to cock back the hammer on a pistol after you fire it. In large circle large frame Tai Chi it is true the hips can be rotated forcefully once the legs push the body and they reach the apex of a weight shift. As we have stated previously, however it is also true that power is drained off once the rotation is completed It is drained off because the hip has to turn back in order to turn forward again, the power has been drained off...analogy of the pistol. The small circle compact frame uses energy internal to the body core and does this by pulling not pushing from the leg and turning the hips. In contrast to pushing, pulling moves are internal and boy do they stay energized. Energy is not lost but constantly recirculated because it is not dependent on using the legs for power. I have heard students refer to the hips as "fulcrums" but for the students who do this, it is of prime importance as to how one locates or places a working fulcrum. As Master Hwa demonstrated in the video the turning of hips lowers the yin/yang junction (fulcrum) to the area of the knees. One can readily see several practitioners of Tai Chi at any time, any place in the world, any time on Youtube, turning their bodies at the hips, lowering the junction to the area of the knees in the mistaken impression that "generating movement by the hips first and not the waist" can be used to "turn the body".

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Liked on YouTube: Turn from waist not hip mp4

Turn from waist not hip mp4
"I have two of Master Hwa's DVDs and I find his concepts fascinating. I am a practitioner of Wu Style TCC (disciple of the Wu Family). However, we have been taught that all of the movements are generated by the "hips" first, not the "waist". I still do not understand why Master Hwa thinks that the hips should remain less mobile than the waist. The hips are the fulcrum of the body and connect the upper with the lower." A response: I have never understood how people can say things like "all of the movements are generated by the hips first, not the waist", "turn your hips", "push him harder so that he can turn his hips", etc. I heard those refrain for years in studying large frame Wu Style and years before I started Classical (Wu Style) Tai Chi. The hips are a large and complex joint of the body and like any joint are necessary for movement. They are necessary for movement but not sufficient to power or “generate” movement, however. In other words, they do not move in and of themselves but move as a result of action initiated by other parts of the body. Stating that they are "the fulcrum of the body and connect the upper with the lower" still is not a sufficient explanation of what powers or “generates” their movement. A crowbar is also a fulcrum but without a source of power “generation,” it is just a metal bar. What exactly is the mechanism that they use to move in and of themselves? There is no such self-perpetuating mechanism in the hips wherein one can "generate movement". Your hips "permit", "allow", "tolerate", "provide for" movement, but they do not "generate" movement. The generation of movement for our hips comes either from our legs or from our waist and not from the hips themselves. The generation of hip movement from the waist comes with its own set of problems as does the movement of the hips from the legs. See the attached video for examples of what happens when practitioners turn the waist and the hips at the same time. In large frame Tai Chi, the movement of the legs to turn the hip is called "folding the hip or Kua". A leg pushing the body either forward or backward makes one hip rotate into itself and the other rotate out of itself...hence the inguinal "fold' so coveted by large frame practitioners. As far as "Power" is concerned, one will reduce or drain off power when turning the "hip first" (which as we said is really impossible because it does not generate its own movement). Keep the hip still and then turn the hip "first" and you can readily see the difference in the "generation" of power. In a Large frame, it is true the hips can be rotated forcefully once the legs push the body and they reach the apex of a weight shift. As we have stated previously, however it is also true that power is drained off once the rotation is completed. Compact frame does this by pulling. In contrast to pushing, pulling moves are internal and stay energized Energy is not lost but constantly recirculated and not dependent on legs for power. In talking about "fulcrums" it is of prime importance as to how one locates or places a working fulcrum. As you can see in the video the turning of hips lowers yin/yang junction (fulcrum) to area of knees. One can readily see several practitioners of "external" style Tai Chi turning their bodies at the hips, lowering the junction to the area of the knees in the mistaken impression that "generating movement by the hips first and not the waist" can be used to "turn the body". "The most important instruction on Internal Discipline passed down from Wu Chien Chuan to my teacher Young Wabu is that": "Every movement in Tai Chi Form has to have two complementary parts of the body, a moving part (called Yang) and a stationary part (called Yin). When the yin-yang junction is located in the torso of the body, it is an internal move. When it is outside the torso, it is an external move".
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Liked on YouTube: Classical Wu Tai Chi - Turning Movement part 2 by Classical Tai Chi's Stephen Hwa

Classical Wu Tai Chi - Turning Movement part 2 by Classical Tai Chi's Stephen Hwa
See What is Yin-Yang junction and why is it important in Tai Chi? For further details see: In Chinese:
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Saturday, June 5, 2021

Liked on YouTube: Achieving Health and Well-Being Through Classical Tai-Chi Training

Achieving Health and Well-Being Through Classical Tai-Chi Training
ONLINE COURSES: Internal Exercise for Power and Vitality course Small Circle Tai Chi Form course part I & II For more info Classical Small Frame (Circle) Tai Chi Form has many dimensions. These Youtube videos try to show some facets of it: A BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF SMALL FRAME TAI CHI: Small vs Large Circle Tai Chi Forms Tension and Relaxation -Insight Into Small Circle (Frame) Tai Chi INTERNAL DISCIPLINE IN SMALL FRAME TAI CHI: Internal Discipline in Classical Tai Chi-Master Stephen Hwa Qi & Internal Energy in Classical Tai Chi: Classical Tai Chi Walking Exercise: Examples of Martial Arts Fighting Applications: Learning Push Hand Fundamentals: Fajin (Fajing) in Tai Chi, Part I, Unique Characteristics of Fajin: Fajin (Fajing) in Tai Chi, Part II, Training in Fajin to Enjoy Robust Life: IMPORTANCE OF CORRECT POSTURE ON HEALTH: Tai Chi Forward Lean Posture & Movement: Tai Chi Exercises for Lower Back Pain. Improve Your Spine & Back: How to Protect Your Knee during Tai Chi Practice or Other Physical Activities: LEARNING PROCESS: Classical Wu Style Tai Chi Square and Round Form: Importance of Martial Art Intent in Tai Chi Form Practice Pair Tai Chi Left-Right Hand Player in Mirroring Position: How to Learn Internal Discipline of Small Circle Tai Chi APPLICATION OF INTERNAL DISCIPLINE IN SPORTS:
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Friday, June 4, 2021

Achieving Health and Well-Being through Classical Tai Chi training

Achieving Health and Well-being through Classical Tai Chi training 

Fabienne asked at the Youtube video site: "Thank you. So you recommend to have a live teacher. Or is ist possible to lesen this online?"

Jim Roach replied: "Master Hwa’s course at has many students and their commentary states that they are learning this well online. I have been his student since 2003 and that is me in the photo that accompanies this comment. The “Teachable” course is indicative of how video learning has become streamlined and comprehensive. I have gone from VHS, DVD to using his online course even after 18 years now. I only ever saw him personally a few times and had to travel from Buffalo to Rochester or he traveled to Buffalo…all my learning was video. Video learning really appeals to me because I can watch it over and over and over…I know of no teacher that would repeat a move a dozen times in a row, till you get it right."

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Liked on YouTube: Slowsquare mpg

Slowsquare mpg
From Uncovering the Treasure a book by Master Stephen Hwa: "Every movement in the Square Form has a clear starting point and ending point with a stop between the moves. The movement between these two points is usually in a straight line and done very crisply and resolutely. Directional changes are usually carried out at these two points." The problem here is that the majority of students have no sense, no awareness of where the joints are located in order to accomplish this type of movement. If one does not know, is not aware of the apparatus, where the joints are located, where the movement to develop a "starting point and ending point with a stop between moves" is, then there will be no movement at those locations.
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Mirror Neuron/Mirrored Form

The   Brush Knee video shows left and right  "Raise Hands" is only one example of a "right" side form, yet it, along wit...