Saturday, November 14, 2020

Liked on YouTube: Square Form Wu Style Tai Chi with Stephanie

Square Form Wu Style Tai Chi with Stephanie
Since Wu Style Tai Chi a small circle, the beginner students learn the "square form" first. It offers the student a strong foundation and understanding of the round or flow form. The square form is a step-by-step method so the student can understand the concept of grounding below the waist to the earth yet lifting up the spinal column through the neck towards the heavens. All the movement is first generated from the tan-tien (2 fingers beneath the navel) which is the subtle power source of energy movement or CHI. It's intensely mindful and gifts the students with a new awareness not just on the physical plane but also on the spiritual path of well being, healing and radiant health. Everyone can learn tai chi when they embrace my PSAT methodology on this journey... Patience, Surrender (ego,) Attitude and Trust. And as Luke ChiWalker says, "May the CHI be with you." Check out my wellness blog...
via YouTube

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