Monday, September 2, 2019

Stretch out opponents arm gently then...fajing!

Stretch out opponents arm gently then...fajing (video)

In push hands exercise, the sitback and lean forward pair of movements alternate repetitively representing offensive and defensive moves. So, both are extremely important moves in the Tai Chi form.  During application, when an opponent attacks, stick to them, stretch the opponent forward by sitting back, thus draining off some of their forward force, and turn the body to ward off to destabilize them.  Here Master Hwa works with someone who is just beginning Tai Chi and most people will be unstable as well.  The Tai Chi form is really where you can gain skill in the push hand essentials of "sitback" and "lean forward".  After much practice in the form one should feel comfortable and agile moving in and out of these positions.  At this point one is really ready to do push hands.  In addition both the sitback and forward lean contribute to the up and down flow of internal energy and the qi in the body.  Therefore they are important components in the internal energy and qi circulation during the playing of the Tai Chi form. 

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