Thursday, August 29, 2019

Hips a fulcrum powered by the waist

The waist turns the hips, not vice versa (video link)

Waist turns, hips do not! Most who do this are surprised when they are told how much their hips are moving...unless trained, one simply does not feel such extraneous movement. An "oldie but a goodie" classic video that includes hips vs. waist instruction at the video link. Hips v. Waist continued: Keep the hips still, even sit on a chair to do this, turn the waist and then try another experiment, standing or sitting where you turn the hip "
first" (you will find it impossible but you can turn the waist to turn the hip) and you can readily see the difference in the "generation" of power. What exactly is the mechanism that is used to move in and of itself when one is urged erroneously to "turn your hip"? The hips are a major joint in the body and like any joint, there is no such self-perpetuating mechanism in the hips wherein one can "generate movement". Your hips "permit", "allow", "tolerate", "provide for" movement, but they do not "generate" movement.

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