Monday, August 12, 2019

Elements follow certain rules, rules form a logical structure

Forward lean posture & movement (video)

Although we only show one posture, that posture is central to the Classical Tai Chi experience. It is important to remember that doing this or any posture badly will always override what we call "wishful thinking" or the right mental state. An excerpt from "Uncovering the Treasure" by Stephen Hwa Ph.D.  "Those early Masters who developed Classical Tai Chi Form must have had in-depth knowledge about body mechanics and its effect on joint health and energy transmission and generation in the body. They meticulously incorporated their knowledge into every move in the Tai Chi Form. After all, a bad posture will stop internal energy generation and qi flow."

"No mental state or wishful thinking can overcome that. At first glance, it (Classical Tai Chi) appears to be very complex, but gradually it becomes simpler because every element in it, no matter how minor it is, follows certain rules and these rules form a logical structure with calculated, scientific reasoning behind it. Every element is optimized toward two objectives; martial art applications and health benefits. As a result, every element is tightly coupled with other elements even though they may appear to be unrelated. The entire structure is rooted in Chinese philosophy. It is truly a world heritage treasure."

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