Thursday, November 28, 2024

Walking causes extraneous head movement

 Daily Classical Tai Chi Walking

Ordinary vs. Classical Tai Chi lower body movement

When discussing ordinary walking, we note extraneous head movement rather than what happens with Classical Tai Chi Walking. People’s heads naturally bob up and down when ordinary walking due to a pendulum-like mechanism. This movement helps to reduce energy expenditure by allowing the head to oscillate in sync with the body’s stride. Research suggests that humans bob their heads about 0.5-1.5 cm (0.2-0.6 inches) with each step, primarily during flat walking.

In addition to energy conservation, head bobbing might contribute to gaze stabilization. As the body moves forward, the head bobs up and down to momentarily fixate the eyes on objects ahead, ensuring a stable visual perception.

Comparison to Other Bipedal Animals

Humans seem to have the most vertical head movement! While humans exhibit head bobbing while walking, other bipedal animals, such as birds, do not. Birds have a different gait and visual system, which may not require the same level of head stabilization. In fact, birds’ heads tend to move more laterally, perpendicular to their direction of motion, rather than vertically like humans'.

Evolutionary Adaptation

The human head-bobbing mechanism is thought to be an evolutionary adaptation to our unique bipedalism. Our relatively straight legs and upright posture require adjustments in our visual system and head movement to maintain stability and efficiency while walking. This adaptation allows humans to conserve energy and maintain clear vision while navigating their environment.

In Conclusion

When ordinary walking, people’s heads naturally bob up and down due to a pendulum-like mechanism. This mechanism helps reduce energy expenditure and stabilize gaze. This unique adaptation is a hallmark of human bipedalism and distinguishes us from other animals.

Classical Tai Chi Movement Principles

According to Master Stephen Hwa, classical Tai Chi emphasizes internal discipline, where movements are initiated from the internal core of the body rather than from the external parts. This approach enables the cultivation and mobilization of internal energy for health benefits and martial arts applications.

Pulling vs. Pushing

Classical Tai Chi uses " pulling " instead of “pushing” the body. This means that the movement is driven by the contraction of the core rather than by the external muscles. This approach helps to maintain balance and stability and prevents the head from bobbing up and down.

Core Contraction and Movement

In classical Tai Chi, movement is initiated by the contraction of the core. For example, when taking a step, the abdomen and back lift the pelvis, which in turn lifts the leg. The foot is then moved forward, and the pelvis is stretched downward until the foot is fully planted. This movement is internally driven, with the upper body remaining still.

Benefits of Internal Movement

The use of internal movement in classical Tai Chi offers several benefits, including improved health and well-being and enhanced martial arts and sports performance. This approach is demanding to learn, but the results are unparalleled.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Prepare to keep your shoulders down

Preparation to keep shoulders down Video 



Elbow Rotation in Tai Chi

In Classical Tai Chi, the elbows are crucial in maintaining proper alignment and preventing the shoulders from rising. As seen in Master Hwa's video, the elbows rotate downward in the first round form move, setting the foundation for subsequent movements. Elbow instruction in the Classical Tai Chi Square Form written instructions .pdf, in the first movement "Preparation Form."


Rotation of Elbows

The elbows' rotation in subsequent moves keeps the shoulders from rising. Rotation maintains a relaxed and downward orientation of the elbows, which helps keep the shoulders in a neutral position.


Importance of Elbow Alignment

Proper alignment of the elbows is essential in Classical Tai Chi, as it allows for the efficient transmission of internal energy and helps to maintain balance and stability. By keeping the elbows rotated downward, practitioners can avoid unnecessary tension in the shoulders and upper body, promoting a more relaxed and natural movement.


Shoulder Alignment in Tai Chi

Maintaining Relaxed Shoulders in Classical Tai Chi: A Crucial Aspect of Internal Discipline

In Classical Tai Chi, keeping the shoulders from rising is vital to Internal Discipline. This principle is rooted in the art's emphasis on using internal movements and power to direct and empower external movements. When the shoulders rise, it indicates a loss of internal control and a reliance on external strength, undermining the entire practice.


Why Relaxed Shoulders Matter

Rising shoulders can lead to:

  1. Disconnection from the core: When the shoulders lift, the connection between the torso, arms, and legs is disrupted, causing the movement to become external and lacking internal power.
  2. Loss of internal energy circulation: The shoulders' upward movement can block internal energy flow (qi) throughout the body, hindering the practice's intended health benefits and martial arts applications.
  3. Inefficient movement: Elevated shoulders can lead to strained and inefficient movements, as the body compensates by engaging external muscles, rather than utilizing internal power and coordination.


Techniques for Maintaining Relaxed Shoulders

To cultivate Internal Discipline and keep the shoulders relaxed in Classical Tai Chi:

  1. Focus on the core: Engage the abdominal and back muscles to generate internal power and movement, rather than relying on the shoulders.
  2. Use gentle, subtle movements: Perform movements with a soft, relaxed quality, avoiding jerky or abrupt actions that might cause the shoulders to rise.
  3. Integrate arms and legs: Coordinate the movement of arms and legs with the core, ensuring that the entire body works harmoniously.
  4. Practice mindfulness and awareness: Pay attention to the shoulders and adjust your movements accordingly, maintaining a relaxed and connected posture.


By prioritizing relaxed shoulders and Internal Discipline, practitioners of Classical Tai Chi can develop a deeper understanding of the art, improve their overall technique, and experience the full range of benefits this practice has to offer.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Why do people ignore the "Facts" of Classical Tai Chi?

The "Facts" as a discussion video link 

Learning Classical Tai Chi with Master Stephen Hwa: A Journey of Depth and Patience

Classical Tai Chi is a comprehensive and nuanced system that requires dedication and time to master. Master Hwa's approach emphasizes the underlying principles and internal discipline of Tai Chi, which can take time to understand and integrate fully.

Scientific Rationale

The underlying principles of Classical Tai Chi are rooted in Chinese philosophy and informed by an understanding of body mechanics, joint health, and energy transmission and generation in the body. Master Hwa's teachings emphasize the importance of logical thinking and scientific analysis in Tai Chi practice, departing from the often-used ethereal language used in modern Tai Chi instruction.

On a side note about oft-used ethereal language, Master Hwa often encounters "Doubting Thomas" and "Trolls" on his YouTube pages!

People who troll classical tai chi may do so due to their own insecurities and biases towards the practice. This behavior can be attributed to various factors, including:

  • Insecurities and weaknesses: Trolls often target what they perceive as others' weaknesses and insecurities. In the case of classical tai chi, they may be reacting to their own feelings of inadequacy or insecurity about the practice. By mocking or belittling classical tai chi, they may attempt to deflect attention from their vulnerabilities, beliefs, misconceptions, and intolerance of facts.

Regarding "Facts", it is often difficult to persuade with facts because facts often fail to convince minds.

According to various studies and experts, the human mind is wired to resist changing its beliefs and opinions in the face of contradictory facts. This phenomenon is rooted in our evolutionary history, social interactions, and cognitive biases.

 Duncan Watts, a social scientist at the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication. "People don’t actually respond to facts anyway. What people respond to are stories, narratives." 

Key Facts Contributing to the Learning Process

. Internal Discipline: Master Hwa's teachings focus on developing internal energy and power, which demands a deep understanding of body mechanics, joint alignment, and energy transmission. This requires patience and consistent practice to develop the necessary awareness and control.

. Wu Style Tradition: Hwa's Classical Tai Chi lineage originates from Wu Chien Chuan, a renowned master of Wu-style Tai Chi. This tradition emphasizes the importance of proper body posture, alignment, and movement, which can take time to master.

. Multi-Dimensional Practice: Master Hwa's teachings incorporate various aspects of Tai Chi, including forms, Silk Reeling exercises, and martial arts applications. This multifaceted approach requires a willingness to learn and integrate different components over time.

. Personal Experience and Insight: Master Hwa's book, instructional videos, and online courses offer a unique blend of personal experience, insight, and practical guidance. While this makes the learning process more accessible, it also underscores the importance of individual practice and dedication.

Tips for Students

. Start with the Fundamentals: Focus on developing a solid foundation in the basic principles of Classical Tai Chi, such as body posture, alignment, and movement.

. Practice Consistently: Regular practice is essential for integrating the principles and developing internal energy and power.

. Be Patient: Learning Classical Tai Chi is a journey that requires time, effort, and patience. Don't rush the process; be gentle with yourself as you progress.

. Seek Guidance: Master Hwa's instructional materials and online resources provide information. Supplement your learning with guidance from a qualified instructor to deepen your understanding.


Classical Tai Chi is a rich, complex system that rewards dedication and patience. By understanding the key factors contributing to the learning process and following the tips for students, you can embark on a transformative journey that cultivates internal energy, improves health, and enhances your overall well-being.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Classical Tai Chi and BP are a serious matter

Grandmaster Young Wabu

 Master Stephen Hwa

Classical Tai Chi and Blood Pressure

Classical Tai Chi is a “Small Circle” style of Tai Chi that emphasizes the art's traditional and authentic methods. While there is limited information on Classical Tai Chi and blood pressure, we can draw insights from the broader research on Tai Chi and its effects on blood pressure. 

Sifu Jim Roach, a teacher of Classical Tai, relates an incident about using caution in the study and states that one should not stop taking blood pressure medication. A student of his stopped her medication on the days she attended class. The student said she “just wanted to see if it worked.” Jim Roach told her this was incredibly foolish and dangerous. The student did not continue her Tai Chi studies. 

Studies and Findings

Several studies have investigated the impact of Tai Chi on blood pressure, including:

. A systematic review of 26 studies found that Tai Chi reduced blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) in patients with and without cardiovascular conditions.

. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials concluded that Tai Chi exercise significantly lowered blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension.

. Another study found that Qigong and Tai Chi may effectively reduce blood pressure and improve cardiovascular risk factors. It should be noted that Master Stephen Hwa points out that classical tai chi is also a “movement Qigong.”

Potential Mechanisms

The mechanisms by which Tai Chi may lower blood pressure are not fully understood but may involve:

. Reduced stress and anxiety, which can contribute to hypertension.

. Improved cardiovascular function, including increased blood flow and reduced peripheral resistance.

. Enhanced nitric oxide production can help dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

. Increased parasympathetic activity, which can promote relaxation and reduce blood pressure.


While there is no specific research on Classical Tai Chi and blood pressure, the available evidence suggests that Tai Chi, in general, may be beneficial for lowering blood pressure. As a style of Tai Chi that emphasizes traditional methods,  Classical Tai Chi may also offer similar benefits. However, more research is needed to investigate the effects of this style on blood pressure specifically.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

“Tilting” Time

Tilted Time a way to practice

Time perception in Classical Tai Chi

Classical Tai Chi emphasizes slow movement, and it is linked to altered time perception. Research suggests that slowly moving the body can correspondingly slow our perception of time. This phenomenon is attributed to the neural connections between the brain, body, and senses.

Internal Discipline and Time Perception

Master Hwa’s approach to classical Tai Chi focuses on Internal Discipline, a unifying principle that integrates the body’s movements. This emphasis on internal awareness and coordination may be the major contributor to slowing time perception. As practitioners focus on subtle, slow movements, their brains' time processing may adapt, leading to a subjective experience of time dilation.

Mindfulness and Meditation

The mindful and meditative aspects of martial arts practices, including Tai Chi, have been researched and shown to have psychological benefits. The slow, deliberate movements in Classical Tai Chi induce a meditative state, influencing time perception. This mindfulness can lead to a greater sense of presence and reduced time passing.

Neural Connections and Time Perception

The neural mechanisms underlying time perception are complex and multifaceted. Research suggests that the brain’s internal clock interacts with other brain regions, including motor control and sensory processing. The slow movements in Classical Tai Chi engage these neural networks, influencing time perception and contributing to the subjective experience of “time dilation.”

Practical Applications

For those practicing Classical Tai Chi, the slow movements can be seen as a means to:

  • Cultivate mindfulness and meditation
  • Develop internal awareness and coordination
  • Influence time perception and subjective experience
  • Enhance overall well-being and physical fitness

By embracing the principles of Classical Tai Chi and slow movement, practitioners may experience a deeper connection to their body and a more profound sense of time and space.

“The Way of Classical Tai Chi”

    INSTINCTIVELY THE WAY Delineation (Square Form) Extensive Delineation “Segmentation is the physical characteristic by which the human bo...