Thursday, September 5, 2024

Internal Power of Classical Tai Chi



Regarding Tai Chi, the best advice is not to do what’s easy; do what’s right! If you are wondering how the internal energy of classical tai chi is used as a power source, you should also visit Master Hwas Classical Tai Chi online course at 

In his book "Uncovering the Treasure," Stephen Hwa quotes Jou Tsung Hwa.  From: "The Tao of  Tai Chi Chuan, The Second Stage".  "The hallmark of the second stage is using the torso method.  Torso method is characterized by the use of the body, specifically the waist and spine, to initiate and empower the movements of the arms and legs...Only those who reach this stage can truly be said to be practicing Tai Chi, yet these are few indeed."

Uncovering the Treasure

Classical Tai Chi's Path to Internal Energy & Health by Stephen Hwa

This video analyzes how classical tai chi utilizes the body to derive internal motion and power. Still, it also utilizes comparison and an understanding that internal energy comes from places in the body that most people are unaware of. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Courtesy of Ms. Eva Koepsell and the entire excellent article was published in Tai Chi magazine: “As a reference point for correct movement. Dr. Hwa used the example of the movement of children, it uses much more of their torso for initiating action. He said when children are using their arms or legs. the motion originates from the torso. the strongest part of the body. He said the arms and legs should he treated as appendages that must be taught to move in coordination with and under the direction of the torso.”

Upper Body Turning a Lesson

Example of  a Move Using Internal Discipline Upper Body Turning a Lesson   a Video (Reframed from  Uncovering The Treasure: Classical Tai Ch...