Tuesday, May 2, 2023

"Walking" in Classical Tai Chi

"Walking" video link 

A relatively new student was asked to clarify what they experienced when learning the footwork for Classical Tai Chi. It was done with the caveat of placing a palm on their belly to feel the core movement as they moved.

"I'll try my best if I can clarify that correctly. In forward walking, every footwork is done through 3 phases.  Let's say that we want to step forward with our right foot.

In the first phase, step forward so that the heel of the right foot lands on the ground and the toes point up, but the whole weight is still on the left back foot.

The second phase: The right foot is fully landed on the ground, but the whole weight is still on the back foot.  This phase is critical because here, we begin to feel the engagement of the core area in the movement. 

The third phase:: At this stage, the weight shifts from the left to the right foot, and the body leans forward, provided the right knee does not exceed the toes. "

I asked him if he found the training difficult and liked or disliked it.

"I think it is very interesting, and I like how Master Hwa explains the movements in the online Teachable videos. I like your notes on the Teachable course and the information you provide on the Classical Tai Chi of NY and California Facebook page. One should repeatedly watch the videos because I find there are points I should reconsider."

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