Thursday, August 19, 2021

Liked on YouTube: Lower foot Lower quarter body

Lower foot Lower quarter body
Think you have the video right from just one view?...think again... "Grasshopper". You can send me your own video OF YOURSELF doing this and I will be happy to critique need to view it several times initially and read these instructions: Stepping, walking, shifting weight are all dependent on the lower body and it is not easy. My own teacher Master Stephen Hwa says " is difficult...". The physical internal discipline of the core for the lower body is not readily recognizable for many just starting out and even for many, they think they " it..." and they do not. Most think that simply putting the toe down slowly is "internal" but it is not and it has to be powered by the core...not the leg. Per his instructions from 2007 and the DVD, you will note at .20, (20 seconds) into the video you will see a "crimp" appear in Master Hwa's shirt. This is indicative not only of the foot lowering the toe BUT ALSO MEANS THE PELVIS HAS PUSHED BOTH SLIGHTLY FORWARD AND DOWN TO LOWER THE FOOT. THE MOTION IS REALLY THE BEGINNING OF WHAT THE FOOT AND LEG WOULD DO IF THE PRACTITIONER TURNED 90 DEGREES "HALF-BODY", ETC. EXCEPT IN THIS CASE THE ENERGY JUST PLACES THE FOOT DOWN FORWARD. HIS LEFT SIDE REMAINS STILL WHILE JUST THE RIGHT SIDE MOVES. He talks about it here from the book, p 91: Lower body movements are the foundation of Tai Chi. Poor footwork and poor lower body posture will prevent one from learning Internal Discipline later .I. using core power for leg movements, such as lifting and stretching the leg 2. keeping the body's center of gravity under control, not allowing the body to fall forward as in the common walking motion 3. pulling the body forward or backward not pushing by the leg. During push hand and Form practice, the sitting back move is often followed by the body moving forward move. To make this transition from "sitting back to moving forward" smooth and effortless, one can take advantage of the stored "sitting back" energy in the forward leg by depressing the toe down with the pelvis drawing the body forward to start the forward motion by pulling with the forward foot. The cycle of back and forward moves can be practiced while waiting in line, watching TV, etc. It strengthens the lower back and stimulates the internal organs.
via YouTube

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