Sunday, April 25, 2021

Liked on YouTube: Tight Compact Form

Tight Compact Form
Faster speeds: How fast one can play the form is limited by the internal energy possessed by the practitioner. Losing firm control of the movement, skipping details of the internal movement, building up tension, and not being able to maintain the yin-yang balance are some of the signs that the playing speed is beyond the capability of the practitioner. When the speed reaches 4 min., (Tight) Compact Form will be a natural choice. It is an exhilarating experience to play the form in the 2-3 min. range while maintaining the relax-energizing balance (ying-yang balance)in the body just as playing at the normal speed, and enjoying the rapid circulation of the internal energy. To achieve poise and relaxation at this speed is important preparation for martial art application.One does not learn to play this fast by practicing fast. The foundation is built at the regular speed where every detail is honed to perfection and that the internal energy is developed to a high degree
via YouTube

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