Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Now, for the bad news!

 The bad news is you cannot do just any movement and do Tai Chi Forms, Push Hands, Applications, Weapons, etc. The synecdoche of "Just do it" has sprouted everywhere and one is faced with an infinite variety of Tai Chi Forms. Youtube is the epicenter of the belief that "...any movement is a Tai Chi movement as long as one has the right mental state..." I call this a major foible and although most assuredly ubiquitous, it is nevertheless Woo Woo Tai Chi predicated on belief. If you wonder why there are so many flavors of Tai Chi in 2021, take heart it was not always that way and there is still logical reasoning available. The Woo Woo, unfortunately, is also the bane of modern Tai Chi practitioners to be hoodwinked by belief. Master Hwa published "Uncovering the Treasure" in 2010. 2021 gives us Youtube's panorama of nonsensical belief and wishful thinking as the prime ingredient. I would season the ingredient with the proverbial grain of salt called logical reasoning before giving in to wishful thinking, wasted time and effort.

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Upper Body Turning a Lesson

Example of  a Move Using Internal Discipline Upper Body Turning a Lesson   a Video (Reframed from  Uncovering The Treasure: Classical Tai Ch...