Monday, June 3, 2019

How to move by "pulling" not "pushing"


Master Stephen Hwa: " do you PULL the body forward, how do you PULL the body backward..."
Jim Roach: Note this next instruction can be done while watching TV, at the computer desk, etc. One other method I use for training to PULL the body backward and forward training is to have students simply sit in a straight back chair with one foot slightly in front of the other. PULL forward with the front foot and notice any sensations in the lower abdomen, PULL backward with the back foot and notice abdominal sensations, repeat, repeat, etc... this means the CORE IS FEELING SENSATIONS OF ENGAGEMENT WITH THE FEET. I then tell the student to contract (pull in) the muscles of the lower abdomen below the navel while leaning the upper body slightly forward. From the “lean” position, I then tell students to contract (pull in) the lower abdomen below the navel while pulling the body back to a straight and perpendicular sitting position. Notice any sensations in the bottom soles of the feet...this means the feet and legs are feeling sensations of ENGAGEMENT WITH THE CORE. This is similar to “holding” onto support, wall, kitchen counter, chair, etc. while one stands. This sitting in a chair method can generate many, many repetitions to train such core contractions and body movement. The student thinks and feels what sensations are happening and to look for such things as engagement with the feet, engagement with the core to coincide with the pulling action. One can also gradually learn to detect engaged muscle groups such as the back, buttocks, etc.

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