Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Liked on YouTube: Healthy Spine and Healthy Back through Classical Tai Chi

Healthy Spine and Healthy Back through Classical Tai Chi
Classical Tai Chi Form is designed to keep a healthy spine and healthy back. This video shows those key considerations to achieve this. Many examples are shown here. For more information see: http://ift.tt/2wuNs8q
via YouTube Youtube Link

1 comment:

Jim Roach Classical Tai Chi of Buffalo said...

The number of Youtube videos touting "Tai Chi for the back", etc. has become quite extensive. What is perplexing, however, is how they promise back relief by showing "forms" that increase the compression forces on the back and spine. It is easy to see that their upright and perpendicular postures create a concave curvature that is occurring in the lower back. It almost goes without saying that this indicates localized compression and stress forces on the spine. Stephen Hwa has outlined a clear path with comprehensive instruction on how to achieve and maintain a healthy spine and healthy back in this video.

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