Sunday, January 22, 2023

Happy Lunar New Year


Happy Lunar New Year:  My wish for everyone in the group is to ask themselves the following and to “follow through” on the answers they find in the New Year:

There is no "flowery," "ethereal," or "new age" language in Classical Tai Chi; there is, however, lots to puzzle over and practice. The book, videos, and online learning delineate the routes to solving the puzzle. However, all the student needs is a small place to practice, a desire to enjoy what they do rather than straining to achieve something, some time, and gumption. Here in brevity, is what I might have wanted to know (as a beginner or practitioner) before I start learning.

* What does "internal energy" mean, and what is the way to get it?

* How do all those types of "forms" (large, compact, square, etc.) fit into a learning program?

* What pieces am I missing to learn Tai Chi?

* How does the way I align myself contribute to gaining internal energy?

* Why are there seemingly so many rules to follow when learning this?

* Why does it seem so complex and challenging many times?

* If Tai Chi originated from martial artists, why is it what I see often will look just like dance?

* What in the world can I gain from doing Classical Tai Chi?

* Are there any dangers in doing this? What should I cultivate, and what should I avoid?

* Why does it take so long to learn?

* This art has no "belts" what distinguishes beginners from advanced?

Uncovering The Treasure: Classical Tai Chi's Path to Internal Energy ....  as well as being available on for purchase.  Yes, I wrote this in another time to "good reads".

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