Thursday, September 3, 2020

Liked on YouTube: Cǎi 採 Pull, yank, jerk, pluck an opponent off balance.

Cǎi 採 Pull, yank, jerk, pluck an opponent off balance.
Pull, yank, jerk, pluck an opponent off balance when the opponent has attempted to pull you. Interesting that the character 採 has 3 ideograms for hand, wood or plant, and grasp...hence the use of terms like a pull or pluck for flowers or plants. Master Hwa talks here about "root" as well. Notice how the student Tom Kostusiak attempts to pull the teacher off balance but brings his own arms so close to his body....almost touching himself. This compromises his "root" as Master Hwa states and makes Tom prey to being approached from a "corner" and pulled off balance. There is an initial yielding or "giving in" as Master Hwa says but no struggling. This is also a good example of staying close to the opponent or "sticking".
via YouTube

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