Thursday, June 11, 2020

Student concern over "perpendicular" vs. "leaning" in Tai Chi

Viewing the link above: There is concern among students  over "perpendicular" vs. "leaning" while doing Tai Chi. Concern because of its bare-bones reasoning of not being able to defend oneself while leaning. Analysis of this video shows the reaction force effect of remaining "perpendicular" while applying force vs. "leaning". On the other hand, the video also shows "perpendicular" can be used effectively with "fajin that uses internal discipline". Master Hwa is perpendicular with a tight compact stance in the photo yet it is Tom Kostusiak that lurches back and there is no reaction force on the 50 lb. lighter and smaller Stephen Hwa. He is perpendicular in the video when he does "Cai" and yanks Tom, using internal discipline then he is going into a moving lean with the "reaction force" as ordinary force kicks in.

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