Tuesday, January 25, 2011

If you are joining Facebook for Classical Tai Chi...at least get the book beforehand

I get requests to join the Classical Tai Chi Facebook group and nowdays I ask this: Speaking as a teacher, does everyone here have Master Stephen Hwa's book "Uncovering the Treasure"? Still speaking as a teacher, the conversation here, sparse as it is, ok let's say my monologue makes little sense without a guidebook of the "territory" As Master Hwa said once to a student, "one needs a map of where and what the forest is, so that the individual trees do not obscure the view". A guidebook can also be useful to encourage people to speak up once in a while as well. I realize, some folks may feel a bit shy but there is never anything wrong with asking a question now and then.

Rick Matz said: Yes, I have the book and keep it handy in my computer bag along with copies of the DVDs so they are at hand. I review all of the material regulary and there is always something new in there for me to find.

John Calvert said:  I too travel with the book Rick. I fear I may need to purchase a fresh copy as my existing one is a little worse for wear now! I have backed up my DVDs (to protect them & keep them intact) by digitally copying them to my hard drive. By having them in digital format I can pause, 'rewind', jump, replay and slow down whatever lesson I'm studying without concern or worry about damaging my DVDs. I have also figured out how to get them onto my iPod which is handy since I travel a lot. Sometimes I just watch lessons when traveling in the hopes that the information is absorbed into my sub-conscious to enhance my training & practice later on. By the way I am not a technological geek - I was shown how to do all this by youngsters! :)


Avocational Singer said...

I purchased the book even though I no longer study Tai Chi. I am a Kung Fu student and had studied Tai Chi for one year, but always had problems with my knees, so very regrettably had to stop. It made me very sad because I loved it and had a deep interest in it. I bought the book because I even enjoy reading about it. I enjoy this blog as well. Some of the principles discussed apply to other aspects of life, as well as other athletic disciplines, and even my training as a classical singer as well, so there is definitely a value in continuing to learn, even if not in the actual practice of Tai Chi.

Rick Matz said...

If you watch Dr. Hwa's form on Youtube, I think you'll see that the form as he teaches it would be quite unlikely to bother your knees.

Avocational Singer said...

I think that's how I found your site. Looking for answers to the knee problem. I'll keep studying, watching and reading ...


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