Thursday, February 11, 2010

Posture 13.)Carry (Golden) Tiger to Mountain

It is 2010 and the Chinese Zodiac describes it as the Year of the Golden Tiger. This February 14, 2010 begins it Sunday morning at 12 midnight and it will end on February 2, 2011. This is the first day of the Lunar New Year, the New Moon. By the way Happy Valentine’s Day, for they are one and the same. It is said that inviting the Golden Tiger into your home, one can capture his Qi for the coming year. Have a happy, prosperous and healthy New Year.

The video we bring today is of Posture 13.) Carry Tiger to Mountain.

Important points to remember:

The waist initiates the drop movement of the arms

Turning on the weighted foot requires a solid structure on the turning side of the body.

Any flexion weakens the move and may cause discomfort in the knee joint.

Make certain to lift the toe to allow smooth pivoting on the heel.

If carried out correctly, one will sense the power in this movement.

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