Classical Tai Chi comparison to other martial arts Video
I concern myself with "cutting" or "lengthening" my own line rather than comparing it with "others"!
With Master Hwa! This was very powerful and one I like to do for myself!Before I met Master Hwa, I was a disciple of the Wu Family and yes, they are really good with Tai Chi as a martial art.
"What is your strategy to counter other martial arts?"
Is Tai Chi a martial art or not?
While tai chi is acknowledged as a martial art by those who have done their homework, its perception on the internet as a form of self-defense is often overshadowed by its reputation as a health and wellness practice. That may well be a question with no answer because martial applications are endless in number. So,these are non-rhetorical questions that you need to ask and answer for yourself.
First of all, how good is your Tai Chi, how much do you practice, do you have practice partners or are you confined to Form practice, etc.?
What specific qualities or techniques in Tai Chi contribute to its effectiveness in martial applications?
How do individual skill level and training differences impact the comparison between Tai Chi and other martial arts?
In what ways could Tai Chi practitioners develop strategies to counteract other martial arts styles effectively?
"How can such a soft, slow-moving Tai Chi Form be preparation for martial arts?".
I guess some people missed this chapter in Master Hwa's book, for he says this and then explains. At about 4:30 of the video, we hear even a long-time student repeat the same, refrain: "How does Tai Chi fare against Brazilian JiuJitsu?". You can listen to the refrain echoed in what seems like a thousand YouTube videos; in those same videos, you will sometimes hear the fighting capability of the individual asking the question.
Speaking only for myself, I have never been bothered by this question; there are far more essential questions I ask of Master Hwa. I flew to Florida over the weekend of May 11, 2013 (the Jet Blue tickets were my birthday present from my wife Barbara) and spent a great, long weekend visiting with my teacher, Master Stephen Hwa, and Eva.
After I wrote thank you emails, I sent a handwritten card of thanks to Master Hwa and Eva for their generosity and hospitality. While I was there, he would come to the apartment at least 2 times a day and spend hours with me on my form; one might say I lived with him. We ate all our meals and walked together; the training went nonstop. I asked questions about my form, and he never wavered in giving answers. I had hour after hour to question and do my form for him. I never thought of saying: "How does Tai Chi fare against (insert your martial art)?"
It may be because I finally realize that in my heart, there is no end to it, and more importantly, I cannot put an end to it, for it truly is endless. How do people miss hearing him say: "There are no winning strategies, applications, etc. (insert your martial art), there are only winning executions of those strategies, applications, etc."? Listen to 4:30 of the above video in response to: "How does Tai Chi fare against Brazilian JiuJitsu"?
Master Hwa: "You know this is all individual. We practice the form and can reach a particular stage called Mastery. You know you can learn and do the form so that every move is internal, that you don't have to think (about what comes next). You know, at that stage, you are mastering the form, BUT with martial arts application, there will be no mastery. With martial arts applications, there is endless improvement. So it's harder to compare one to the other. "
"When the first Tai Chi master went to Beijing, most Tai Chi was in the countryside, and people didn't know that much. So he went to Beijing, where he liked challenging people and beating up everybody. So he went to one master there and wanted to challenge him, "Oh, I know you are better than me now," the master said. The challenger said, "Please, let's just do some". He just wanted to try it out on other martial artists. Sincerely, he begged the guy not just to build the name. "Let's do something"
"So in that sense, at that time, he beat up everybody; there is no other martial art that can beat him; certainly, at that time, consider your knowledge; that is another thing people do not know about Tai Chi. So people may not have developed a way to counteract it."
"Now, if you know Tai Chi, like in the fight between Wu Gong Yi and the other guy. Now, both sides know each other's art very well. Now, I'm sure they both develop a strategy to counteract the other guy's strength. Now, the other guy, if you watch the fight video (click here for LINK). Now I know (pointing to me) you watch it many times, you find (the other guy, an "external" White Crane martial art) he changed the way; in other words, he doesn't use momentum, body momentum at all. He knows Tai Chi is good for counteracting momentum and body momentum. Body momentum is what Tai Chi is good at defending against. And he just chopped away, using his arms, so there is no body momentum. There was just a flurry of arms without body momentum. Indeed, in that way, he cannot develop all the power. At least he tried to avoid being thrown by the Tai Chi. If Wu Gong Yi is not using Tai Chi, you cannot blame him because he is not using body momentum.
So, at that time (and even on YouTube), people said Wu was not using Tai Chi. He does not use Tai Chi, so he has to block it every time. So he uses this (on the side of the hand) and hits him (on the arms) after a while. So, after a while, the guy's arms got tired because the muscle got hit. So he went in and hit his nose (he walked into Wu's blocks, and his nose started bleeding profusely). You cannot blame him for not using Tai Chi because the other guy does not use body momentum (he moves, I move; if he does not move, I do not move). So the guy did this with his arms, and Wu did this to block him and block his chops. One of his hands he cannot raise or something."