Friday, December 21, 2018

You studied a "short form"!

"Hello, I'm interested in talking with you about studying Tai Chi but I'm not sure about what style. I have studied a "short form" and concerned about taking on learning a Long Form, can you explain these differences in things a little?"
First of all I would welcome you in my classes and like to state that I have also done "simplified" and "short" forms myself. If you could indulge my quip here as I paraphrase Mark Twain I should explain that it would take too long to write a "short" answer to your question and so I have to write a "long" one. My teacher has addressed this very well by explaining that the very few old Grandmasters in China dealt with the popularity of Tai Chi by "simplifying" the Long Form. This "simplification" meant it was taught with no "internal discipline" and no explanation. Later these sets of movements were abridged further to containing even fewer movements. These "Short" forms of different styles have become very popular in this day and age. He tells me that the popularity conundrum still exists and the problem is to still teach only a few movements but he has found a new approach to do this. Yes, we teach fewer movements in this additional approach to our "long form" instruction but each movement is to be studied in depth with "internal discipline" as the essential component. The thinking of the "short form" was "less is more" and our approach can be summed up as the same "less is more" with the understanding that teaching a lot of movements will not bestow health benefits. But teaching a few movements with an emphasis on learning even one internal movement very well will give much in the way of health benefit. You can see an introduction and a subsequent series of these movements here starting with the "Introduction" then "Tai Chi Exercise 1 through 11":

Friday, December 7, 2018

Liked on YouTube: Using Internal Discipline of Classical Tai Chi in Soccer

Using Internal Discipline of Classical Tai Chi in Soccer
Examples of top Soccer Players using Internal Discipline of Classical Tai Chi to generate power in their long ball kicking movements-examples from World Cup 2018.
via YouTube

 Master Hwa's latest video showing the high-level movement of professional soccer players shows and explains detailed momentum based external movement followed by internal movement. Lower quarter body movement of soccer players in this latest Youtube video also shows Yin/Yang pairing quite vividly. As does this photo of Stephen Hwa and Tom Kostusiak I made where it shows blurred/clear mirroring Yin/Yang "pair" separation. Thus putting "...when one part moves, everything moves..." of the Tai Chi Classics out to pasture.

Monday, December 3, 2018

What "it" is

What "it is! 

 Regarding the above "What it is" discussion link and s a teacher of Classical Tai Chi I guess I will never be happy with "...being happy with misplaced praise than ruined by well-placed criticism...". 

 What I think about Rum Soaked Fist's praise on "internal discipline" in sports: First of all in this newest video  Joe Montana and Tom Brady   stabilize the hips and use "upper quarter body" (above the hips). so the statement "...shoulder, hip harmony..." is not germane to explanations. Nor is " ...5 stage map..." as concerns development in Tai Chi and it is off the mark as an explanation of "internal discipline" and thus not sufficient to explain "upper quarter body", etc. However " not something anyone can agree on ..." is somewhat promising. Well, I am somewhat relieved that people at least admit to being bewildered in light of the fact that as my own teacher has said: "...don't argue Jim, it is pointless because they don't do "Internal"..." 

Regarding what Rum Soaked Fist said about videos and "internal" it is difficult to explain, much less "agree" if one has not actually done the trials and tribulations of learning and experience as shown in this video   for example. 

So when they say ( "it's too bad "it" is not something anyone can agree on as to what "it" is, even on an IMA board, when we probably all can agree that it can help in many other ways.") I can only quote my own teacher from his book "Uncovering the Treasure": "There are so many books, classes, and styles of tai chi today. In many of them, there is talk of "internal energy" yet the definition is vague and the route to achieving it left unexplained." ; "The most important instruction on Internal Discipline passed down from Wu Chien Chuan to my teacher Young Wabu is "Every movement in Tai Chi Form has to have two complementary parts of the body, a moving part (called the yang part) and a stationary part (called yin part). When the yin-yang junction is located in the torso of the body, it is an internal move. When it is outside of the torso, it is an external move."

Friday, November 23, 2018

Classical Tai Chi is Internal Discipline

Laoshi Stephen Hwa Ph.D. performing compact round form "brush knee" utilizing "internal discipline", Rochester, NY

 Since post-Qing Dynasty, about 1911 and the "popularization" of Tai Chi in China the few Tai Chi Grandmasters "simplified" the "forms." This "simplification", circa 1950's was avidly and no doubt promoted as "Beijing 24 movement Form"  with appropriate governmental intrigue per the PRC. It was taught to the general public but also to internees in the many Communist "re-education" camps.In simplification, they removed more than the "internal discipline" that you see here: Internal Discipline  

In removing what the essence of Tai Chi movement was, they also did away with the need for explanation. The learning was made more difficult in doing this because it became an act of constant memorization of a sequence of movements with no explanation of rationale. In so many words i
n teaching the "internal discipline." people were told and to this day are told to "just follow along, and you will get it."    

Internal Discipline enables you to initiate movements specifically and exactly from the torso above the hips, the internal core of the body (abdomen and back) rather than from the external parts of the body (the limbs) and even the hips in some cases since they are a major joint of the body.  It cultivates and mobilizes your internal energy for health benefits and martial arts applications. 

Classical Tai Chi or Tai Ji utilizes the philosophy of yin and yang in every aspect of its practice. For every internal movement, a moving part of the body "yang" works against a stationary part "yin" that provides support and power. There then exists what is called a "junction" between yin and yang and it always is located in the torso. When an internal move is performed correctly the practitioner feels sensations of stretching and intense energy flowing across the junction in an otherwise relaxed body. 

Thursday, November 15, 2018

"In a fight anything goes"

Link:  Classical Tai Chi in a fight ...Not

and here's all the  Link:  speculation why "not" and the speculation is way off the mark

From Master Stephen Hwa: "Now if you know Tai Chi like in the fight between Wu Gong Yi and the other guy, Chan Hak Fu. Now both sides know each other's art very well.  Now, I'm sure they both developed a strategy to counteract the other guy's strength. Now the other guy, if you watch the video (click here for LINK). Now I know (pointing to Jim Roach) you watched it many times, you find (the other guy an "external" White Crane martial art)  changed the way he moved.  In other words, he doesn't use momentum, body momentum at all. He knows the Tai Chi is really good to counteract momentum, body momentum. Body momentum, that is what Tai Chi is really good at.  And he just chopped away, just using his arms, so there is no body momentum...remember that? There was just a flurry of arms without any body momentum. Certainly, in that way, he cannot develop all the power and so forth. At least he tried to avoid being thrown by the Tai Chi. In that case, Wu Gong Yi is not using Tai Chi, you cannot blame him, because the guy is not using body momentum. 

So at that time (and even today on Youtube) people are saying how come Wu is not using Tai Chi?  So he is not using Tai Chi and so everytime, he has to block.  So he is using this (side of the hand)  and hitting him (on the arms) and after awhile.  So after a while, the guys' arms got tired because the muscle got hit.  So he, himself, goes in and hit his nose (he walked into Wu's blocks and his nose started bleeding profusely).  You cannot blame Wu for not using Tai Chi because the other guy does not use body momentum (he moves, I move, if he does not move, I do not move).  So the guy did this with his arms and Wu did this to block him, block his chops. One of his hands he cannot raise or something." It is to be noted that in subsequent interviews Chan Hak Fu talked about the soreness of his arms and difficulty in moving them after the fight. 

Friday, November 9, 2018

Video Link
Link: Pulling body back and forth...not pushing

     aka Momentum Force vs. Internal Energy
Master Stephen Hwa told me when I first met him that the Yang Style, Wu Style forms I learned were "rounded Square Form" as is the universe of Tai Chi out there...I had no idea. Here's that "rounded" square form in operation: You decide to drive down the highway alternately and indiscriminately pushing your foot on the accelerator and the brake You would be using your engine to give the vehicle kinetic energy/momentum then throw the energy away by pushing the brake, over and over. You would consume much less fuel if you only drove steadily...think "Round" form in ClassicalTai Chi. Master Hwa, a Ph.D. Engineer, talks a great deal about momentum force, aka pushing forward with the back foot, pushing back with the front foot, referred to as "other" Tai Chi and all are "rounded" Square form...look for yourself on Youtube. All of these contribute to a movement that has "stops and starts" in it, one way or the other. When it comes to Classical Tai Chi "round form" using a "pulling" coupled with internal energy, not momentum and that difference is a really big deal. One might say that Tai Chi relying on "pushing with a foot" is extravagant of energy, whereas "pulling with a foot" truly stores it and releases it only when needed.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Semper Fidelis Classical Tai Chi is "mind-boggling"

My own teacher Master Stephen Hwa tells me in so many words that being frustrated over students not sticking with the art is somewhat of a common occurrence. However, in no uncertain terms, he adds the caveat that when you teach this art " is also the life we have chosen...".  So, "Semper Fidelis", I'm still standing as both student and teacher.  My student Barry was learning the "Square Form" of Classical Tai Chi and is closest to the camera in this video. He told me that he taught defensive tactics to Parole officers based on "external movements" from "external martial arts".  I also taught largely "external movement defensive tactics" to U.S. Customs officers as an additional duty as a Customs Officer myself.  I studied Tai Chi with the Wu family in Toronto at the same time I was doing Tae Kwon Do in Buffalo.  My fellow officers thought my traveling once a week across the border for classes was a "hoot". As my student Tom says, learning Classical Tai Chi is "challenging" but what I think is the most difficult is being "Semper Fidelis" to the art over many years. 

As Barry said: "The difficulty in maintaining true fidelity to the "Internal Art of Tai Chi" is mind-boggling. After having been involved in the external martial arts for an extended period of time, and seeing the difficulty many students have in maintaining fidelity to external movements only, and how long it takes to become proficient in those movements. Now, combine that with incorporating true "Internal" movement ! And one should see how important it is to stay close to a teacher who can correct/critique one's movement up close and personal. Without that help, one will be sure to develop poor or inerrant tendencies, which only further "adds up" against you developing your skills to their highest levels."

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Classical Tai Chi is the epitome of "Neigong"

Neigong exercises by definition need to combine "special breathing" with movement and in most cases are indicative of the "large frame" Tai Chi needing additional exercises. When the Classical Tai Chi "Compact Round Form" is done correctly, each movement no matter how small is a Neigong movement and does not need special breathing techniques...the breathing is natural and without conscious/deliberate intent. From Wikipedia: "Neigong exercises that are part of the neijia tradition involve cultivating physical stillness and or conscious (deliberate) movement, designed to produce relaxation or releasing of muscular tension combined with special breathing techniques such as the "tortoise" or "reverse" methods."  

This Classical Tai Chi as a Neigong tunes the nervous system by using slow movement and sensitivity. Slow movement with sensitivity favors the nervous system with a more accurate and discriminating perception of the mechanics of the movement. Square form develops this. Yet, not all will have the aptitude or perseverance to develop the brains' ability to sense and correct any potential excess and unnecessary effort.

Learning "Round and Square" Forms

Classical Tai Chi as a Neigong refines the nerve signal in the body and is referred to as "Qi". Classical Tai Chi may be considered as a means to return to childhood. The Internal Discipline of the Form movements first tunes the nervous system in the body so that the complex and powerful internal movements will become natural and spontaneous. In China, a healthy and well-tuned nervous system is considered to be paramount to a healthy body. Physically, the internal movements penetrate to the deep recesses of the torso, stimulating and invigorating the organs and the circulation systems in the torso. 

Friday, October 12, 2018

You know several martial arts are they "offensive" or "defensive"?

Even a jury of non-martial artists would be hard pressed to find anything other than "guilty" when the defendant says:  "He was walking toward me in what I perceived as a threatening manner, using harsh language, so I launched myself at him first".  My common sense question as a juror might well be "Could you have gotten away in the first place, and why did you throw the first punch or launch yourself in order to "defend" yourself? 

My teacher Stephen Hwa, Ph.D. tells me that Classical Tai Chi is a pure "defensive martial art". In the video you see him explaining and demonstrating the difference between "offensive" and "defensive" with the catalyst explained as "jumping off" or momentum force. So the question is if you launch yourself in any fashion toward the opponent to "defend" yourself, how is that a "defensive" tactic?

I have taught quite a number of students that do external or what are called hard style martial arts. Certainly, one can be attacked by hostile people, hostile animals, etc. But the question for me is at what cost do you defend yourself?  I agree with Master Hwa that " a fight, anything goes..." But is your integrity, common sense, and training guiding you in "anything goes" defensively or offensively toward the attacker? From time to time, one of my students will remind me that that there are martial arts better, faster, stronger and quicker to learn that Tai Chi. So in that reasoning, could one learn to do several different martial arts, learning several times faster than Tai Chi and be several times better?  Many indeed, very pretty, even flashy but are these several arts "offensive" or "defensive" because if they have a hint of offense, then don't they cross the line? 

 In the 1990's I was contacted by a martial artist. He had seen me doing Wu's style sword form and asked for lessons.  I told him I would teach him the sword if he learned the Wu's Square Form first. Note: This is not Classical Tai Chi's square form. John reminded me periodically that he had learned 7 different martial arts faster and appeared in an Inside Kung Fu article. He said that he learned those faster than he would ever learn Tai Chi and hence never did learn the sword. 

John, however, did not use internal discipline where one part in the core moves and one part does not move in any of the 7 arts, by the "jumping off" definition his arts were "offensive".  My student Barry who did Karate and taught defensive tactics as a parole officer did not use internal energy. Barry told me that he has learned several martial arts but that learning internal discipline has been the most challenging, by the "jumping off" definition his arts were "offensive" Another of my students Anh has done Wing Chun for a long time but says learning internal discipline is more challenging and sophisticated.

In conclusion Master Hwa makes a great point that there is a big difference in the use of force "offensively" as compared to "defensively". In another segment of the video he also states that Classical Tai Chi because of its dependence on a non-moving part of the body is a purely defensive art.  If one is not moving that one part of the torso in other words, then how can you launch yourself toward the opponent while maintaining that non-moving part albeit in full momentum?

Liked on YouTube: World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Rochester New York, Wu Style

World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Rochester New York, Wu Style
Classical Tai Chi Group Of Master Stephen Hwa & Classical Tai Chi of Buffalo Group of Sifu James Roach perform round & square form. In Chinese: Online School: First Online Video Tai Chi Class:
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Liked on YouTube: World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Rochester New York, Workshop

World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Rochester New York, Workshop Segments of workshop on internal discipline by Master Stephen Hwa - (In Chinese: See our website for other training: Introduction to Wu Style Tai Chi - Tai Chi Martial Arts Application - Sports & Classical Tai Chi - Tai Chi Internal Discipline - Tai Chi Health Benefits - Tai Chi DVD Library - Online School: First Online Video Tai Chi Class:
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Monday, October 1, 2018

How do you know not "believe" you are doing "internal"?

It goes back some time but I asked a former Tai Chi teacher to show me an "internal" movement.  His answer was "I'm doing it but you just can't see it". Master Hwa shows you "internal" in this video. In Classical Tai Chi, you know that you are doing "internal" by self-examination (seeing) where the movement is originating in the torso of your body.  In fact, you know whether anyone is doing  "internal" by examining (seeing) their movements.  You can see these things for yourself in your own body but as you progress you can feel (tactile) whether the movement is originating inside or outside the torso.  

Master Wu Chien Chuan passed this on that every move has to have Yin and Yang (not moving and moving) parts of the body and those are either in the torso (internal) or they are not (external). The moving and not moving parts form a "junction" called a Yin/Yang pair. One part of the "pair" moves and the other part does not move. 

Much Tai Chi says it is "internal" but ask yourself the following question when you see it:  Is the movement originating in the torso or is it originating in an extremity outside of the torso such as arms, legs, etc. ? You also have to reckon with the fact that any "extremity" is the furthest point or limit of something and that internal is always situated on the inside. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Why one does not have internal motion, internal energy and internal discipline in everyday activities?

"Having good technique in Classical Tai Chi is very important. Learning forms correctly will gradually change how you move during your day for a more healthful posture." Master Stephen Hwa

It occurred to me  as I was driving the car yesterday and then today while washing the dishes that most people really do learn Tai Chi for other than martial art reasons. Then I remembered Master Stephen Hwa's article on "Yi, Martial Art Intention" from the Classical Tai Chi Forum, October 2003 Then today's practice with the "Square Form" really drove the nail home.  WHAT WE DO IN EVERYDAY ACTIVITIES MOST OFTEN HAS NO REAL "INTENTION" OF MOVEMENT AKA DOING THINGS MINDLESSLY, IT IS NO WONDER PEOPLE CANNOT INTEGRATE THE TAI CHI MOVEMENT INTO THEIR EVERYDAY LIFE.

Classical Tai Chi Blog voted to Feedspots "Top 25 Blogs to follow in 2018"

Monday, August 27, 2018

Classics: If opponents raise up, I seem taller

Tai Chi Classics say: "If you look up it seems higher", "If the opponent raises up, I seem taller", etc.  One has to take this into account when they are both doing form and applications. It is "by the same token" in both Tai Chi Application and Tai Chi Form practice, even though most think they are at opposites. Because I am much taller, I will be able to crush down on Master Stephen Hwa during application if his body structure is not good. If I'm not a "winner" in the execution of Form practice I will be a "loser" in the execution of an application.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Liked on YouTube: Tai Chi Exercises for Knee Pain or Arthritis. Improve Your Knee (Enhanced)

Tai Chi Exercises for Knee Pain or Arthritis. Improve Your Knee (Enhanced)
Classical Tai Chi Form is designed to keep healthy knee. Those measures to keep knee healthy are illustrated here and should be used for everyday life. For more information see See our website for other training: Introduction to Wu Style Tai Chi - Tai Chi Martial Arts Application - Tai Chi Internal Discipline - Tai Chi Health Benefits - Tai Chi DVD Library - Online School: First Online Video Tai Chi Class:
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Thursday, June 7, 2018

Online course on round and square forms

So excited to be working on my newest Small Circle Classical #TaiChi online courses teaching the 108 long form! This course will teach small form in a way that speeds up the learning process. Since it's online, you can use a variety of internet-connected devices to learn.

Meanwhile, here is a link to my first online course. The info here will help you with the upcoming one.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Liked on YouTube: Small vs Large Circle Tai Chi Forms

Small vs Large Circle Tai Chi Forms
Illustrates the basic differences between Tai Chi Small Circle or Frame forms vs Large Circle or Frame forms.
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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

What martial art is the most dangerous?

Notice I did not say the worlds' deadliest, the most deadly, the most dangerous and when we put those modifiers in most would think of how they can really hurt someone else.  But what if you hurt yourself when doing your martial art?  As Master Stephen Hwa once said paraphrased: "...all the opponent has to do is wait till you hurt yourself, then they can step in and do the job..."

So, in keeping the discussion going on what transpires in the latest Classical Tai Chi video course at "Teachable" as we wrote in our last post:

What martial art is the most dangerous?

We hear from a 1988 article in which a sports medicine physician breaks down common injuries by style.  No surprise but Tai Chi is much healthier than other martial arts. Of course, you also have to do Tai Chi correctly to not hurt yourself.  Classical Tai Chi is the most admirable in this regard since it relies on moving from the core, "internal discipline" which does not involve the use of shoulders and other joints in detrimental movements.

Martial art shoulder injury at age 74 doing Tai Chi?

I cringe as I write this as one reads of a 74-year-old Tai Chi practitioner who has shoulder arthritis.  He also does Wing Chun and punches concrete walls in his practice.  Well, what more need be said about learning "internal discipline" in Tai Chi, Tai Chi has to be good for health as well as martial arts, and it does not involve punching concrete walls.

Pitfalls of external movement

I include some injury statistics here from NIH: The new online course "Martial Origins of Tai Chi" (Classical Tai Chi at
discusses how virulent "pitfalls of external" the injuries in external martial arts are. Participants Ike Schultz and yours truly both studied Karate, Tae Kwon Do to Black Belt level and saw first hand how external movement in Kata, sparring exercises, etc. would cause injury because of "snapping" movements and "stopping" or it is called "pulling" the punch or kick whereas Classical Tai Chi moves slowly but teaches to punch or kick "all the way through" with no gaps, stops or snaps in the energy. The NIH reports on how many injuries in martial arts like Karate as well as their most likely commonality:
"The hand/wrist was the most common area injured (53%), followed by the shoulder/upper arm (27%) and the forearm/elbow (19%). Joint sprains/muscle strains were the most frequent injuries reported overall (47%), followed by abrasions/bruises (26%). ... Injuries may result in chronic upper extremity symptoms."

Monday, March 26, 2018

New Online Video Courses to complement "Face to Face" teaching

We will be continuing our discussions at the Blog but in the meantime, enjoy our older posts and:  
Come to our face to face classes once or twice a week at rock bottom prices. The Spring sale means our 1st month of studio-class (face to face) is packaged along with Master Hwa's 1st online video instruction course in Internal Discipline. Both are included in one initial payment for the first month when you enroll online. The first online video course payment is set at $27 and subsequent online courses at that same amount. Along with that, the face to face classes are only $25 per month. One might well think they are getting both for the low price of $52 per month. You will have videos from which to learn and reference with the added bonus of an experienced teacher to monitor and/or critique your progress in person.
Please go to to enroll in Master Hwa's class and register for ours.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Liked on YouTube: The Walk

The Walk For lower body movement, the power from the abdomen and back is transmitted through the pelvis to the legs. Visualize that the pelvis is an extension of the leg. To take a step, use the abdomen and back to lift the pelvis, which in turn lifts the leg. Move the foot forward and stretch the pelvis downward until the foot is fully planted. All of these movements are internally driven with the upper body remaining still. Then, the foot will pull the body forward to complete the step.
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Liked on YouTube: The Block

The Block The arm and shoulder are relaxed with no movement relative to each other. The motion is entirely driven internally. In addition, other parts of the body are essentially not moving serving as the supporting structure for this movement. Another example of this upper-quarter body movement is the blocking motion.
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Liked on YouTube: The Push

The Push Pushing the right hand forward with the arm and shoulder is an external movement. Internal movement uses the abdomen and the back moving the entire upper-quarter of the body, including the arm and hand, forward.
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Liked on YouTube: The Turn

The Turn Turning of the upper body with the feet stationary is usually carried out by crossing the legs. This is a weak external move with little power, balance and stability. An internal move centers on the waist using the power of the abdomen and back while the pelvis and the legs essentially are not moving.
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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Liked on YouTube: Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics | Robert Wright & Dan Harris [The Wright Show]

Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics | Robert Wright & Dan Harris [The Wright Show]
01:03 Dan’s new book, Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics 08:52 The liberation of realizing you’re crazy (and so is everyone else) 17:59 Why Dan gave names to his inner voices 29:48 Dan’s 10% Happier meditation app 42:35 Dan: One minute of mindfulness meditation a day can be enough 47:01 Applying the Buddhist metaphor of the “second arrow” to everyday life 52:20 Meditating without losing your edge Robert Wright (, The Evolution of God, Nonzero, Why Buddhism Is True) and Dan Harris (Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics, 10% Happier) Recorded on December 27, 2017 Join the conversation on Subscribe to the YouTube channel: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: Follow our RSS feed:
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Upper Body Turning a Lesson

Example of  a Move Using Internal Discipline Upper Body Turning a Lesson   a Video (Reframed from  Uncovering The Treasure: Classical Tai Ch...